
The Role of AI in Shaping Your Marketing Roadmap

Artificial Intelligence

Adjusting your marketing strategies to align with the modern digital world is a great start. But what is your next step? While it may sound intimidating, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very beneficial tool to help you with the progression of your company’s plan. It also can provide you with a starting point for a campaign, advertisement, blog post, or really any marketing operation you wish to perform.

AI in Business

AI has the capabilities of collecting and processing immense amounts of data and producing vital information from that collection. Humans can gather information through surveys and other modes of data collection, but no where near the massive amount of data AI can touch.  Once it spits out a suggestion, you can use that as an advantage for your company.

AI allows you to access information that will assist you in aspects like market research. As human’s it can be quite difficult for us to harness and analyze a lot of information at one time. But with the power of AI, you can, “analyze your competitors’ paid advertising and marketing content to generate reports about what kinds of ads they’re running.” (Scott). Essentially, you can use AI to breakdown the content of your competitors, which gives you the tools to see what is working in the market, and what to avoid.

Using AI to Stay Ahead

Because of this information, your company has better knowledge of what steps to take next. This ties back to performing in real-time. If you were to employ outdated tactics, you would find it hard to roll with the punches when operating. But, alongside real-time performance, using AI can give you good insight on what to do when those “punches” come. You can compare your current strategies to what is successful in the market and adjust what you are doing to get ahead.

The Limitations

One thing you must keep in mind, is the limitations of AI. Yes, it is a powerful novel tool that should be utilized, it cannot do everything. I like to say that AI is the blueprint for a room in a house, you don’t get the full layout nor the gritty details, but you have a generalized idea. So when using AI, you have to be cautious that you “proofread” it, as it is a machine. It lacks human qualities that are necessary for certain operations, so sometimes it misses things. If you have used AI before, you may have noticed this. I know when I have, there have sometimes been typos, minute differences and some mistakes. Mind you, it has produced some good content and flawless outputs but you should never rely on AI 100%.

In conclusion, it’s clear that AI is a smart investment for boosting your company’s marketing efforts. With its ability to generate a supply of valuable insights and data, AI can contribute to your success. However, it’s crucial to approach AI with a degree of caution, understanding that it may not handle all tasks flawlessly. Nevertheless, these limitations should not discourage you from harnessing the power of AI to drive your business forward. Embracing AI can be a game-changer on your roadmap to marketing success.


Scott, D. M. (2020). The New Rules of Marketing and PR (8th ed.). Wiley; 8th edition (May 3, 2022).

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