
Marketing In the Modern Digital World

Marketing has made a major shift to developing web content, and you need to jump on this bandwagon if you and your company wishes to stay afloat in the sea that is digital marketing.

Content Delivery

First, when attempting to expose your desired market to your product (and hopefully a wider range of new consumers as well), you have to start with the delivery of your content. By establishing accurate messages that pertain to consumers, and developing these messages to be more direct, you will be more successful in increasing exposure and gathering loyal customers.


For many years, it was commonly thought that the best way to reach a wider audience with your company’s content was through “One-Way Interruption Marketing”. Which, at its core, is a method of advertising your company by deliberately stopping the consumer’s current activity so that they pay attention to whatever you want to get across to them.

Commercials often exemplify this tactic. Imagine watching your favorite TV series, completely engrossed in the storyline, when suddenly an unrelated product ad interrupts your viewing experience. It doesn’t resonate with your needs or interests, and most of us will just get up to grab a snack, chat, or change channels (and basically ignoring the intended message from your company).


Essentially, you want adjust your web content production, you want to deliver content that is authentic and pertains to your consumers. Modern marketing success stories involve companies conveying their message at the precise moment a consumer needs their product or service, with the intention of gaining feedback. By analyzing the words and phrasing, your consumers are using to find content, and analytically creating content that correlates with those keywords, allows you to produce information your consumers care about; which allows you to avoid them getting up and ignoring your message.             

The biggest takeaway from content delivery? People actively seek out authentic product information that aligns with your business and addresses their needs, instead of dealing with random commercials.

Developing Relationships


Yes, content delivery is important to increasing your brand’s exposure, but what supplements that, is being able to develop a relationship with your consumers. While maintaining web content that pertains to a visitor’s interests as a priority, you can establish a better relationship with consumers by not only operating in a real-time mindset but also encouraging further engagement.

Mind you, what I mean by operating in real-time is: if you can structure your company to successfully provide information and customer support in real-time you will better able to connect with your customers and establish a sense of commodity that will encourage them to become brand loyal.


In “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” by David Meerman Scott, there’s a notable instance where he shared a positive experience on an American Airlines flight via Twitter. American Airlines promptly responded with a genuine and individualized message, showcasing their real-time customer engagement capability. This not only aids them in content creation but also enhances the overall customer experience. It solidified Scott’s loyalty and serves as an example to potential customers, demonstrating American Airlines’ commitment to connecting with their audience.

If your firm can communicate with customers like American, it allows your company to make your buyers feel: heard, cared for, and encourages them to further support your company.


While it’s evident that developing relationships offers numerous benefits to your company, it’s essential not to follow the example of Bic. In a case highlighted in the “Hidden Brain” podcast by NPR, Bic introduced a pink, shrunken pen specifically marketed towards women under the name “Bic for Her.” Bic simply created, produced, and advertised the product, because they thought it was a good idea. There was no effort to seek feedback from their target audience, because of their lack in consumer relationships.

This ignorance to cultivate a relationship led to the product idea’s demise. take note, as if you are successful in building a connection with customers you have the ability to hear their feedback and better engineer products for them.

So essentially, when trying to market your product or company in this modern digital world, you should put efforts into producing authentic web content, how you present content to your consumer, and how the content can encourage their engagement. By doing so, your organization can drift away from outdated methods of marketing that tend to fall flat with this digital environment. Modern marketing relies heavily on web content to drive product and service consumption, as well as to continuously develop and maintain your company’s image.


Scott, D. M. (2020). The New Rules of Marketing and PR (8th ed.). Wiley; 8th edition (May 3, 2022).

Vedantam, S. (Host). (2019, July 1). I Buy, Therefore I Am: How Brands Become Part of Who We Are. In Hidden Brain. NPR. https://www.npr.org/2019/06/28/736942500/i-buy-therefore-i-am-how-brands-become-part-of-who-we-are

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