
The Importance of Keywords In Content

Keywords are Key

Content is Changing

As a direct result of technological advancements in our modern society, a new format on how to organize information for the media has developed. Put simply, instead of newspaper articles we scroll on social media. But how your consumers stumble upon your content has drastically changed.

Technological Affordances

To keep in terms of my original example, when consuming information through paper there’s only a few ways to obtain that content. Consumers either must, go to the store and buy one, have it delivered to their home, or find it somewhere by chance. This applies to newspapers, magazine, pamphlets, etc. Media outlets heavily relied on certain demographics and relative location. Typically, younger generations view this method as obsolete. Yes, specific consumer groups still use and find importance in these mediums, and sometimes they even play a role in preserving history. But I’m here to explain how in today’s world we drift from these routes must spread information.

Using Keywords

One major development that digital media and marketers have been able to produce content with an emphasis on keywords. Essentially how we write specific content has been broaden with the use of including important words/concepts in which pertain to your desired consumer group. To put it differently, you own a running shoe company; you choose to produce a news release regarding a new style of shoe you wish to launch. In that piece of writing, you would include keywords that connect the consumer to you, not just shoes.

Now, a consumer goes online to search for new running shoes that provide support and are durable. And, hypothetically, because you put in your article that your brand provides, ‘durable shoes that support your foot while running to achieve your athletic goals.’ Regardless of their initial brand preference, the content will come up for the consumer.

We all experience this on the other end and don’t always realize it. However, we see that Applied Sciences researched this and said, “by a simple search… with the keywords topic + detection + Twitter… 1692 related articles are obtained” (Hernandez-Mendoza 2022). This search stretched over 2009 to 2022 and provides evidence of keywords’ imperative presence. Now, 1,692 almost seems like not a lot of articles for one search, but to put it in perspective, if you googled something are you going to go through all 1,692 articles that pop up? Basically, with a few words in addition to the main topic of what you’re looking for will result in a massive amount of data sprinkled through thousands of articles, blogs, and scholarly journals.

Furthermore, if you dip into Search Engine Optimization (SEO), something I will not analyze too much in this post, but essentially this is getting the most out of a consumer’s internet search. Using SEO, your keywords are likely to bring your content to the forefront of the person’s search. They are then likely to actively pursue their search for a product with your company until they make a purchase.

Rich Site Summary

Moreover, there is a concept that helps with the interconnectedness of these keywords. Rich Site Summary or RSS. This essentially simplifies the delivery format for those who read your content. For your athletic footwear company, those who typically consume and engage with such content will eventually, connect with your brand. When people subscribe to a specific topic, RSS allows for them to connect with related topics.

So, let’s say your desired consumer is subscribed to running. They like running content, they search it, they try to get more information about it, and overall enjoy running themselves. You should tag certain words, as mentioned before, in the piece. As a result, when things occur in the running world, your brand is brought up and innately delivered to your consumers. The development of “RSS (Really Simple Syndication) … [has] allowed users to subscribe to blogs and receive updates automatically” (Dhiman 2023). Meaning, via a subscription to certain mediums, like podcasts or blogs, people will receive information about what you produced when tagging keywords.

As they immerse themselves in a podcast dedicated to running, the speakers delve into discussions about various types of shoes, articulating words that resonate with the unique features of your design. And consequently, your brand effortlessly rises to the forefront of the listener’s internet feed.


Undoubtedly, in promoting your brand across industries, modern technology has significantly facilitated connecting your company to a broader audience using external forces. And what allows your business to capitalize on this opportunity? Tag keywords. This is vital to the improvement of your brand’s awareness. Keywords help establish connections with consumers who may not have initially been seeking your brand. Therefore, allowing for increased awareness, potential sales, and an improved network for your company.


Dhiman, B. (2023). The Rise and Power of Audio Storytelling in the 21st Century: A Critical Review. Global Media Journal, 21(63), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.36648/1550-7521.21.63.375

Hernandez-Mendoza, M., Aguilera, A., Dongo, I., Cornejo-Lupa, J., & Cardinale, Y. (2022). Credibility Analysis on Twitter Considering Topic Detection. Applied Sciences, 12(18), 9081. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12189081

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