Understanding the Impact of Discretionary Income on Consumer Behavior

Understanding the Impact of Discretionary Income on Consumer Behavior

breaking down how disposable Income impacts spending Discretionary Income One major obstacle marketer tends to face is the social class of their audience. This status is typically on the foundation of one’s cultural identity, location, and one of the most influential… income. We find that, an individual’s discretionary income, directly impacts how an organization approaches…

Navigating Consumer Hyperchoice

Navigating Consumer Hyperchoice

How consumers meet Companies now Consumer Hyperchoice The rise of “consumer hyperchoice,” stemming from our expanding society, poses a challenge in decision-making. With an abundance of options, individuals face increased difficulty in selecting the best fit, considering factors like personal preference, value, and societal opinions. Essentially what we have done, is engineered an economy that…

The Psychology of Consumer Behavior

The Psychology of Consumer Behavior

Consumer thinking Like the name gives off, consumer behavior revolves around how the consumer thinks about products, presentations, value, companies, others, and themselves. But while all aspects should be held close to the marketing objectives of an organization, we see that a person’s self-concept impacts their purchasing behavior with conviction. Self-Concept Self-concept put forth by…

Breaking Down ConsumerSpace

Breaking Down ConsumerSpace

Empowerment of COnsumers to Influence Products and the Market Consumerspace In the past, consumers typically played a passive role in the marketing landscape, where they received meticulously crafted messages from companies through traditional channels like TV commercials and more relaxed formats like magazine articles. However, a transformative concept known as Consumerspace has come into market…