Benevolent Paternalism and Eugenics: A Historical Analysis of its Impact on the Deaf Community in 19th and 20th Century America

Benevolent Paternalism and Eugenics: A Historical Analysis of its Impact on the Deaf Community in 19th and 20th Century America

A Brief Introduction Because RIT offers an immersion in American Sign Language (ASL) & Deaf Culture Studies, I have had the amazing opportunity to learn the rich history an underdog community has to offer. I have always been fascinated with ASL since my first class introductory class in sixth grade. And with the facilitation from…

Burger Rings

Burger Rings

• Principles of Marketing • As a team of five RIT students, in our Principles of Marketing class, we researched a foreign U.S. product. Once researched, we were to develop a marketing plan to introduce it to the American market. We found “Burger Rings,” an Australian snack with a Funyuns-like texture, tasting like a burger…

Bye Bye Bag

Bye Bye Bag

• Business II: Business Planning and Professional Development • This was probably one of my favorite projects I have ever worked on! This group project was a part of my Business II class in my first year at RIT. Our task was to brainstorm a completely novel product, one that had never been seen before,…



I’ve created this content using Canva for use on social media and my website. These were introductory posts to show off our updated Executive Board of the RIT Bowling Club for the 2023-2024 season! I designed this Instagram story to introduce myself during my takeover of the RIT Bowling Club Team account! A LinkedIn cover…