
Burger Rings

• Principles of Marketing •

As a team of five RIT students, in our Principles of Marketing class, we researched a foreign U.S. product. Once researched, we were to develop a marketing plan to introduce it to the American market. We found “Burger Rings,” an Australian snack with a Funyuns-like texture, tasting like a burger with hints of tomato, cheese, and barbecue sauce.

My main responsibilities were to define the target market, conduct primary research, and solely create the presentation. I put the PowerPoint together you see below, as my peers entrusted my expertise due to their limited familiarity with the application!

Feel free to take a look (and download it if you wish to see the animations)!

For Burger Rings’ positioning in our marketing mix, we created in-store mock-ups for Walmart, Target, and Costco!

I used Procreate to create a realistic graphic for showcasing our product on end caps in our target stores.

Fortunately, Our group received a good grade, and the professor praised our presentation. She thought it was thorough and well thought out between the branding, animations, and readability!

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